Category Archives: Meetings

April HLUG Meet up – Tuesday 23rd April 2024 @ The Courtyard, Hereford @ 7.30pm

Hi everyone

For our fourth meeting of the year, this will be at 7.30pm at the Courtyard in Hereford. We meet in the expanded Cafe Bar on the ground floor.

Please bring any Linux/Open Source goodies or kit you have, or kit you would like help with.

If you have been on our list but haven’t attended a meeting yet, or you’ve been unable to attend for a while, we’d be very pleased to see you.

Meeting Topics

*  – General linux chit chat, and stuff

The Courtyard has free fast wifi and serves lovely coffees, and there is level access to all public areas of the building. You can find directions to The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR here

The Courtyard has pay and display parking adjacent and free parking and paid for EV charging a short walk away.

Hope that many of you can make it on Tuesday evening. I’ll be coming along and look forward to seeing you all there.

I’ll hopefully you all then at 7.30pm (ish).


February HLUG Meet up – |Tuesday 27th February 2024 @ The Courtyard, Hereford @ 7.30pm

Hi everyone

For our second meeting of the year, this will be at 7.30pm at the Courtyard in Hereford. We meet in the expanded Cafe Bar on the ground floor.

Please bring any Linux/Open Source goodies or kit you have, or kit you would like help with.

If you have been on our list but haven’t attended a meeting yet, or you’ve been unable to attend for a while, we’d be very pleased to see you.

Meeting Topics

*  – General linux chit chat, and stuff

*  – Linux from scratch meeting ?

The Courtyard has free fast wifi and serves lovely coffees, and there is level access to all public areas of the building. You can find directions to The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR here

The Courtyard has pay and display parking adjacent and free parking and paid for EV charging a short walk away.

Hope that many of you can make it on Tuesday evening. I’ll be coming along and look forward to seeing you all there.

I’ll hopefully you all then at 7.30pm (ish).


November HLUG Meet up – Wednesday 22nd November 2023 @ The Courtyard, Hereford @ 7.30pm

Hi everyone

For our last normal meeting of the year, (for December we will get together for our normal meal), this will be at 7.30pm at the Courtyard in Hereford. We meet in the expanded Cafe Bar on the ground floor.

Please bring any Linux/Open Source goodies or kit you have, or kit you would like help with.

If you have been on our list but haven’t attended a meeting yet, or you’ve been unable to attend for a while, we’d be very pleased to see you.

Meeting Topics

*  – General linux chit chat, and stuff

*  – Think about topics for our next events. Software Freedom Day is coming up again in Sept …

The Courtyard has free fast wifi and serves lovely coffees, and there is level access to all public areas of the building. You can find directions to The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR here

The Courtyard has pay and display parking adjacent and free parking and paid for EV charging a short walk away.

Hope that many of you can make it on Wednesday evening. I’ll be coming along and look forward to seeing you all there.

I’ll hopefully you all then at 7.30pm (ish).


August HLUG Meet up – Wednesday 23rd August 2023 @ The Courtyard, Hereford @ 7.30pm

Hi everyone

For our eighth meeting of the year, this will be at 7.30pm at the Courtyard in Hereford. We meet in the expanded Cafe Bar on the ground floor.

Please bring any Linux/Open Source goodies or kit you have, or kit you would like help with.

If you have been on our list but haven’t attended a meeting yet, or you’ve been unable to attend for a while, we’d be very pleased to see you.

Meeting Topics

*  – General linux chit chat, and stuff

*  – Review the Linux Multimedia workshop event last month, what went well, what could have been improved to help for next time

*  – Think about topics for our next events. Software Freedom Day is coming up again in Sept …

The Courtyard has free fast wifi and serves lovely coffees, and there is level access to all public areas of the building. You can find directions to The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR here

The Courtyard has pay and display parking adjacent and free parking and paid for EV charging a short walk away.

Hope that many of you can make it on Wednesday evening. I’ll be coming along and look forward to seeing you all there.

I’ll see you all then at 7.30pm (ish).


July HLUG Meet up – Wednesday 26th July 2023 @ The Courtyard, Hereford @ 7.30pm

Hi everyone

For our seventh meeting of the year, this will be at 7.30pm tomorrow evening at the Courtyard in Hereford. We meet in the expanded Cafe Bar on the ground floor.

Please bring any Linux/Open Source goodies or kit you have, or kit you would like help with.

If you have been on our list but haven’t attended a meeting yet, or you’ve been unable to attend for a while, we’d be very pleased to see you.

Meeting Topics

*  – General linux chit chat, and stuff

*  – Review the Linux Multimedia workshop event last month, what went well, what could have been improved to help for next time

*  – Think about topics for our next events. Software Freedom Day is coming up again in Sept …

The Courtyard has free fast wifi and serves lovely coffees, and there is level access to all public areas of the building. You can find directions to The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR here

The Courtyard has pay and display parking adjacent and free parking and paid for EV charging a short walk away.

Hope that many of you can make it on Wednesday evening. I’ll be coming along and look forward to seeing you all there.

I’ll see you all then at 7.30pm (ish).


Free Multimedia using Linux Workshop – Wednesday 28th June 2023

@ Tesco Hereford, Bewell Street Community Room

Hi everyone

It’s been quite a while since our last in person workshop event, but I’m pleased to announce that finally we will be having one ! 

Charlie has been good enough to volunteer to give us a talk / workshop on the Linux and multimedia applications. 

The following applications and more will be featured. He works with these applications professionally using Linux, and no longer requires Windows or Mac to do his work.

  • Kdenlive – Video creating and editing
  • Krita – Bitmap editing
  • Blender – 3D modelling and video editing tool
  • Etc

This FREE workshop will be at the Tesco Hereford, Bewell Street’s community room kindly arranged by Tim.

Date  : Wednesday 28th June 2023

Time : From 7pm

Car parking: will be available at the Tesco car park.  On previous visits to the community room Tim has arranged free parking for our event, but this will be confirmed on a later email.

I will also setup an Etherpad soon to help organise the event.

Please comment with any questions or ideas for inclusion in the event.

Look forward to seeing you Wednesday 28th June !


May HLUG Meet up – Wednesday 24th May 2023 @ The Courtyard, Hereford @ 7.30pm

Hi everyone

Our fifth Herefordshire LUG meet up of the year will be Wednesday night at 7.30pm, at the much refurbished Courtyard in Hereford. We meet in the expanded Cafe Bar on the ground floor. Hope we can get a good number at the meeting.

Please bring any Linux/Open Source goodies or kit you have.

If you have been on our list, or haven’t attended a meeting yet, or you’ve been unable to attend for a while, we’d be very pleased to see you.

Meeting Topics     –  Usual Linux / Open Source chat and discussions  
                             –  Plan Linux Multimedia Workshop event taking place in June.

Charlie has volunteered to run this, we had some ideas that were started at the last meet so will want to expand on this,  any others please come along and get involved. The event will be at the Tesco Community Room, Bewell Street, Hereford on Wednesday 28th June – more details to follow.

The Courtyard has free, fast wifi and serves lovely coffees, and there is level access to all public areas of the building. You can find directions to The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR here

The Courtyard has pay and display parking adjacent and free parking a short walk away.

Hope that many of you can make it on Wednesday evening.

I’ll see you all then at 7.30pm (ish).


January HLUG Meet up – Wednesday 25th January 2023 @ the Courtyard, Hereford @ 7.30pm

Hi everyone

Our first Herefordshire LUG meet up of the year will be Wednesday night at 7.30pm, at the much refurbished Courtyard in Hereford. We meet in the expanded Cafe Bar on the ground floor. Hope we can get a good number at the meeting.

Please bring any Linux/Open Source goodies or kit you have.

If you have been on our list, or haven’t attended a meeting yet, or you’ve been unable to attend for a while, we’d be very pleased to see you.

Meeting Topics     –  Usual Linux / Open Source chat and discussions  
                             –  Gather ideas/start to plan for a Workshop event in the late Spring.

Charlie has volunteered to run this, we had some ideas that were started at the last meet so will want to expand on this,  any others please come along and get involved. Probably back at Leominster or possibly Hereford.

The Courtyard has free, fast wifi and serves lovely coffees, and there is level access to all public areas of the building. You can find directions to The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR here

The Courtyard has pay and display parking adjacent and free parking a short walk away.

Hope that many of you can make it on Wednesday evening.

I’ll see you all then at 7.30pm (ish).


March HLUG Meet up – Wednesday 23rd March 2022 @ the Courtyard, Hereford @ 7.30pm

Hi everyone

Our third Herefordshire LUG meet up of the year will be Wednesday night at 7.30pm, at the much refurbished Courtyard in Hereford. We meet in the expanded Cafe Bar on the ground floor. Hope we can get a good number at the meeting.

Please bring any Linux/Open Source goodies or kit you have.

If you have been on our list, or haven’t attended a meeting yet, or you’ve been unable to attend for a while, we’d be very pleased to see you.

Meeting Topics     –  Usual Linux / Open Source chat and discussions  
                             –  Gather ideas/start to plan for a Workshop event in the late Spring.

Charlie has volunteered to run this, we had some ideas that were started at the last meet so will want to expand on this,  any others please come along and get involved. Probably back at Leominster or possibly Hereford.

The Courtyard has free, fast wifi and serves lovely coffees, and there is level access to all public areas of the building. You can find directions to The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR here

The Courtyard has pay and display parking adjacent and free parking a short walk away.

Hope that many of you can make it on Wednesday evening.

I’ll see you all then at 7.30pm (ish).


January HLUG Meet up – Wednesday 26th January 2022 @ the Courtyard, Hereford @ 7.30pm

Hi everyone

Our first Herefordshire LUG meet up of the year will be Wednesday night at 7.30pm, at the much refurbished Courtyard in Hereford. We meet in the expanded Cafe Bar on the ground floor. Hope we can get a good number at the meeting.

Please bring any Linux/Open Source goodies or kit you have.

If you have been on our list, or heard of us from Meetup but haven’t attended a meeting yet, or you’ve been unable to attend for a while, we’d be very pleased to see you.

Meeting Topics     –  Usual Linux / Open Source chat and discussions  
                             –  Gather ideas/start to plan for a Workshop event in the Spring.

Charlie has volunteered to run this, we had some ideas that were started at the last meet so will want to expand on this,  any others please come along and get involved. Probably back at Leominster or possibly Hereford.

The Courtyard has free, fast wifi and serves lovely coffees, and there is level access to all public areas of the building. You can find directions to The Courtyard, Edgar Street, Hereford, HR4 9JR here

The Courtyard has pay and display parking adjacent and free parking a short walk away.

Hope that many of you can make it on Wednesday evening.

I’ll see you all then at 7.30pm (ish).
