Category Archives: Training

Free Multimedia using Linux Workshop – Wednesday 28th June 2023

@ Tesco Hereford, Bewell Street Community Room

Hi everyone

It’s been quite a while since our last in person workshop event, but I’m pleased to announce that finally we will be having one ! 

Charlie has been good enough to volunteer to give us a talk / workshop on the Linux and multimedia applications. 

The following applications and more will be featured. He works with these applications professionally using Linux, and no longer requires Windows or Mac to do his work.

  • Kdenlive – Video creating and editing
  • Krita – Bitmap editing
  • Blender – 3D modelling and video editing tool
  • Etc

This FREE workshop will be at the Tesco Hereford, Bewell Street’s community room kindly arranged by Tim.

Date  : Wednesday 28th June 2023

Time : From 7pm

Car parking: will be available at the Tesco car park.  On previous visits to the community room Tim has arranged free parking for our event, but this will be confirmed on a later email.

I will also setup an Etherpad soon to help organise the event.

Please comment with any questions or ideas for inclusion in the event.

Look forward to seeing you Wednesday 28th June !


Getting Started with Linux and OS Workshop – Thurs 11th Oct 18

Linux Beginners Workshop – 11 October 2018

Details: 7.30 p.m.
Grange Court Leominster  HR6 8NL

Beginners Linux Workshop Printer Setup

Linux Beginners Workshop – 11 October 2018

[ Facebook link ]

At this Beginners Workshop, you’ll discover the:-

  • Advantages of running Linux versus Windows 10
  • How easy it is to install Ubuntu Linux
  • Useful every day Open Source applications
  • Quick Troubleshooting Tips from experts

Bring a blank USB Key for a FREE Operating System (OS) to take home.

Please give a voluntary Door Donation, to help us cover venue charges, if you can.

Grange Court is a Community, Heritage and Enterprise Hub, owned by the people of Leominster through the LARC Development Trust.

Please let us know if you’re coming

Here’s a random video about installing Ubuntu along side of Windows 10 :

Software Freedom Day Event in Hereford Sat 19th September 2015

web-banner-chat-we-re-organizing-hHerefordshire LUG will be holding another Software Freedom Day free event as part of the worldwide SFD celebrations.

Please come along to All Saints Church in the centre of Hereford to find out more.

We will have demonstrations and information on many Open Source and Linux topics including the Raspberry Pi found increasing in Primary and Secondary schools across the country and beyond.

Find out more about high quality free software that you can use today, and that you are already using when web browsing or searching, using Facebook, Twitter etc.

For more details please see the poster

We’ll see you Saturday  … and tell your friends 😉


Beginners Linux Event, Leominster, June 24th 2015

On Wednesday 24th June at 7 pm for 7.30pm at the Education Room, Grange Court, Leominster, The Herefordshire Linux and Open Source User Group will host a special event on the topic of ‘Beginners Linux and how to choose a Linux Distro’. See below for full details of the event
thAmongst other topics, we will show you why you should consider using Linux , its benefits and idiosyncracies, and how you can stay virus free on the net. We will also show you how to install Linux on a pc live during the event. The event will be aimed at real beginners to Linux and Open Source, perhaps keen to move from Windows.

The entry is open to anyone not just LUG members and will be subject to a small charge, to cover the hire of the venue only.


Grange Court is only accessible from the Church Street entrance to Pinsley Road. There is no through road from the Etnam Street entrance, although this does not show on Google Maps or Satnavs.

For Satnav users, Grange Court’s postcode is HR6 8NL

There is car parking for up to 12 vehicles, and two disabled parking bays. Etnam Street car park and the large car park on Arkwright Close, both pay-and-display, are less than 5 minutes walk from Grange Court. More information about car parks in Leominster can be found here.

Public Transport

Leominster Station is a 5 minute walk from Grange Court. Trains are regular between Hereford and Shrewsbury. For fares and timetables, visit or

We look forward to seeing you on the 24th June Continue reading Beginners Linux Event, Leominster, June 24th 2015

Survey results of what members want from our Meetings

surveyresultsIt’s taken a while but I’ve collated the results of our survey relating to topics that our members would like to see at our meetings.

​You will see that there is quite an interest in Beginners topics, choice of Distro, interest in Virtualisation, Desktop and Raspberry Pi, and Programming. Topics such as Gaming on Linux, Business applications, such as CRM/ERP and Graphics faired less well. There were a few extra topics requested which you can also see listed, such as a Troubleshooting session (sounds a good one), outreach and spreadsheets for finance.

As discussed at the last LUG Meeting we plan the first meeting based around these topics in June 24th, 4th Wednesday of the month as usual, probably to allow time to get organised. What seemed like a good plan at the meeting is to have a Beginners session that also includes Distro choice, ie why I should choose Ubuntu over Debian, Fedora or Arch for example.

In the end we had 17 responses altogether not too bad, although people were allowed to vote for as many topics as they wanted which seemed like the fairest method to use.

I will setup a Pirate pad (or equivalent) online pad where we can share our plans for this first meeting. There wasn’t consensus where we should hire a room and and have a full session, or just keep things simple and carry on at the Courtyard but please say your ideas on this .

We will also need people who are happy to talk about topics for Beginners, and structure the event. I’m happy to help coordinate, but it’s always best to get as many volunteers to help to reduce the load for the others.

We will also of course need to plan what other events for each month we will hold based around the interest shown above.

So please reply and let everyone know your thoughts, plans and ideas and/or if you want to help

Linux Foundation Training Course – FREE

eduX provides online computer based training. One course that caught my eye is module LFS101 – Introduction to Linux, provided by the Linux Foundation. This is a free course, scheduled for later this year.

No previous experience of Linux required, and covers a number of areas, suitable for Linux programmers, system administrators and end users.

Direct link here:

I’ve signed up!